Homemade Gift Ideas From Kids
Looking for ideas for teacher gifts, kid's craft ideas, or even a gift from you?
Let these ideas inspire you to create a special gift that will be a keepsake for years to come!
I always try to have my children make a gift for their teachers to show our appreciation for their hard work all year.
The teachers always seem to really like the gifts and the kids feel such a sense of pride when they give them!
The downside is I never seem to get the ideas planned out in advance, and often find myself wandering my local craft store waiting for the inspiration to "hit" me.
I thought I would share some of these ideas and maybe make your life a little easier. An added plus is that homemade gifts are often less expensive than storebought (and more fun to make!).
These ideas can be used/adjusted for almost any age, and can be used for Grandparents, sitters, or anyone special.
One place to start is to look around and see what supplies you might already have. You might be surprised to find you have things that can be used in new ways.
Things like baskets, small wooden or foam shapes, marbles, craft odds and ends, and a glue gun all can come in handy.
- Kid's artwork can be matted and/or framed. You can also paint their hand and help them make a handprint. Alternatively, you can bring a special piece to a copy center/office supply store and have it laminated. You can also buy the laminating sheets to do it yourself, sold in many stores in the office supply section. Besides a picture, try other things like bookmarks, keychain/purse tags, etc.
Buy inexpensive unfinished things at a craft store and decorate to your heart's content. We bought a wooden crate and some small wooden shapes and I spray-painted the crate. We used paint markers to "paint" the shapes. I found this to be easier but of course you can use other paint. It's fun to pick the theme based on the recipient; we did one for a teacher w/ teacher things and one for Grandpa that we did red, white, and blue. I don't know if it's necessary but I did buy a clear spray coating to spray the finished product, thinking maybe it would make it more durable.
Clay pots come in all sizes and can be decorated w/ fabric, painted with terra cotta paint markers, or use beads and things. They can be used for many things besides plants depending on the size-pencil holders, homemade cookies, gardening supplies, etc.
You can buy "glass markers" that are made to write on glass. After decorating you put the item(s) in the oven for abt. 40 min. and it makes them dishwasher-proof. We have had the most fun using these! The markers were about $4 ea. but have lasted for years. We bought the main colors-red, blue, green, and yellow (the yellow does not show up as well). You can go to many stores, inc. the "dollar" type stores, Walmart, etc. and find clear, white, or light colored plates or glasses. We have made a large plate and filled it with homemade cookies at Christmastime; we made a one-of-a-kind set of margarita glasses, done on light green glass (they came out great, and everyone can remember which one is their's at a party!); we did a themed basket w/ a movie, popcorn, and bowls for the popcorn; we did a set of smaller "salad" sized plates for a class with 3 teachers-from a toddler-just had him make dots in different colors-from an older child they can write the teacher's name or draw something. One teacher says she has her morning bagel on it every day and it makes her smile before work!
Canvas totes are fun to decorate and can be made personal as well. Teachers (as well as most of us!) always have to carry a lot, so you'll want to get a large one. The natural colored ones are the easiest, and will take permanent markers, stamping ink, even glued-on things.
If you have a young child, you can easily make a bookmark for them to give. Cut a strip of construction paper (or 2 comp. colors, one a bit smaller), have the child decorate it, glue their picture, laminate and punch a hole in the top to tie a piece of ribbon, yarn, etc. You can also put a nice quote on it or the recipient's name/initial. You can give this alone, with a nice book, or with a gift certificate to a bookstore.